Types of Haunting
Posted by Shannon Ray on Thursday, July 1, 2010 Under: MGPI Paranormal Advice
Traditionally, there are three basic types of haunting: Intelligent, Residual, and Poltergeist
Intelligent Haunting:
haunting are perhaps the most often type of haunting reported. In this
circumstance, the entity is aware of itself, and aware of the living.
The entity remains in a location for whatever reason, and continues to
dwell perhaps as they did in life. Sometimes the entity manifests
itself and even tries to communicate with the living.
Residual Haunting:
haunting are often reported in locations marked by large-scale violence
and tragedy, such as battlefields or mass genocide sites. A residual
haunt can be thought of as a video set on repeat. An entity manifests
at a particular location, at a particular time,and consistently repeats
its actions. In this style of haunt, it is believed that the entity is
unaware of itself or its surroundings, it is merely a form of energy
that remains in a given location, bound by the location and
circumstance of death. The energy that makes up its manifestation is
residual; there is no consciousness attached to the apparition. Many
people report witnessing the replaying of battles with ghostly
manifestations. It is merely the leftover energy in the location
playing itself over and over again.
Poltergeist Haunting:
the most compelling type of haunt is poltergeist activity. While rare,
dozens, if not hundreds, of incidents have been reported around the
globe. Poltergeist haunts could be considered a subgroup of intelligent
haunting in that the entity is certainly physically interacting with
its environment, usually quite violently, and is therefore certainly
aware of itself and the living. Objects are moved and often thrown.
People are sometimes attacked, slapped, scratched, bitten, or assaulted
in some other manner. It is believed that most poltergeist activity
centers not necessarily around a location, but often around a living
individual. Many reports have been made of families fleeing their homes
due to such hostile activity, only to be confronted again with the same
activity in a new location. While more rare than pure intelligent or
residual haunts, poltergeist haunts are perhaps the most compelling of
all haunts, as pure interaction between the spiritual world and the
living is at play.
It should be noted, however, that many
researchers attribute "poltergeist activity" to increased psychic
"flare-ups", often brought on by changing and increasing hormones in