Middle Georgia Paranormal

Browsing Archive: July, 2010

Types of Haunting

Posted by Shannon Ray on Thursday, July 1, 2010, In : MGPI Paranormal Advice 
Traditionally, there are three basic types of haunting: Intelligent, Residual, and Poltergeist

Intelligent Haunting:

Intelligent haunting are perhaps the most often type of haunting reported. In this circumstance, the entity is aware of itself, and aware of the living. The entity remains in a location for whatever reason, and continues to dwell perhaps as they did in life. Sometimes the entity manifests itself and even tries to communicate with the living.

Residual Haunting:

Residual haunting ar...

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Electromagnetic Field Theory

Posted by Shannon Ray on Thursday, July 1, 2010, In : MGPI Paranormal Advice 
The electromagnetic theory of the paranormal field is that supposedly a ghost or spirit gives off an electromagnetic field which can be detected by Electromagnetic Field meter (EMF). Nearly everything in nature, both alive and inanimate, emit an electromagnetic field. Many man-made devices emit a very strong electromagnetic field such as electrical outlets, fuse boxes, computers, electrical wiring, television sets, air conditioning units, appliances, and much more. Most of these electrical so...

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How to Evaluate Ghost Photos

Posted by Shannon Ray on Thursday, July 1, 2010, In : MGPI Paranormal Advice 
Ghost photography is gaining popularity across America, as more and more people attempt to document evidence of the paranormal. Many catch ghostly images or lights on film and believe they have evidence of a haunting, only to learn later that what they have captured is far more ordinary than than they believed. Evaluating a ghost picture for common camera or light anomalies will save you the embarrassment of claiming to have evidence of the paranormal and finding out that mysterious orb was m...
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